Flower Power: Are Flowerhorns Good for the Hobby?
Flower Power: ¿Son los Flowerhorns buenos para la afición?
- www.thespruce.com
- www.tfhmagazine.com
- www.tfhmagazine.com (http://www.tfhmagazine.com/details/articles/flower-power-are-flowerhorns-good-for-the-hobby.htm) (1427 clicks)
- www.newscientist.com
- www.newscientist.com (https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn2255-gene-warfare-to-be-waged-on-invasive-fish/) (82 clicks)
Gene warfare to be waged on invasive fish
La guerra genética se librará en peces invasores
For the first time, biologists are planning to genetically modify an invasive species with the express purpose of killing it off...
La guerra genética se librará en peces invasores
For the first time, biologists are planning to genetically modify an invasive species with the express purpose of killing it off...
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